SEMINAR (open for all students) Making the world more sustainable: World-class global PR campaigns supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Daniel Silberhorn – Erfurt University GlobCom lecturer, Germany
Thursday, 20th April 2023 at 10.30 Room 2, Santa Chiara
Making the world more sustainable with global communications: The GlobCom project, thanks to CARIGO funding, is proud to present Daniel Silberhorn’s guest seminar that looks at how PR can advance sustainability from diversity to climate action with world‐class campaigns, including IPRA Golden World Award winners.
Daniel Silberhorn has more than 15 years of PR experience, working at international network agencies like FleishmanHillard and Burson‐Marsteller. He is an International Public Relations Association (IPRA) Board member and Golden World Awards jury member. Daniel Silberhorn is adjunct professor at the University of Erfurt (Seminar for Media and Communication Studies) and coordinates the German branch of the international academic network GlobCom. As a guest lecturer, he speaks about sustainability and PR at universities across Europe. His main interest is the role of communicators/PR in enabling positive climate action.